World's Most Asked Questions: How Can I Get Rid of the Hiccups?
World's Most Asked Questions: How Can I Get Rid of the Hiccups?
So we're working with Google and YouTube to answer ten of the most popular questions searched for on the internet.
This is the World's Most Asked Questions!
Today’s question is: How can I get rid of hiccups?
People have all kinds of hiccup remedies that they swear by, none of which seem to have much to do with each other -- like, swallowing a teaspoon of sugar, or guzzling a glass of water, or just holding your breath. But to figure out how to get rid of hiccups-- and why we get them in the first place -- you gotta start with getting to know your diaphragm.
The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle under your lungs that is one of the most important muscles you have, if you enjoy things like breathing. And a hiccup is just an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm that causes it to contract suddenly. When that happens, you take in a gulp of air really quickly, until your vocal folds -- the membranes at the top of your throat – clamp shut. That’s what causes the “hic” sound.
Most of the time, the spasm stops as quickly as it started, and you can just say “excuse me” and get on with your life. But sometimes, those spasms won’t stop ... which means it’s time to get your diaphragm to relax. To do this, you basically gotta hit the reset button on your nervous system -- or at least the part that controls your diaphragm. You can do that in a couple of different ways. One is to stimulate your vagus nerve -- that's a nerve that runs down your neck from the base of your brain, and it regulates some of your body’s most important functions, including your heartbeat and your breathing. Basically, you need to stimulate this nerve-- distract it, if you will -- so it’ll stop constantly zapping your diaphragm. So, some people have luck getting rid of hiccups by swallowing a teaspoon of sugar. Sounds delicious, but it’s harder than it sounds.The act of gulping down those dry granules can provide just enough confusing stimulus for your vagus nerve to start focusing on your throat, and leave your diaphragm alone. Another more common approach to kicking the hiccups is to increase the level of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream. That might seem a little weird, but your natural breathing rhythms are regulated by your CO2 levels,and if they get too high, your nervous system will signal your diaphragm and lungs to make sure they’re doing their job. And this is what’s behind most of the hiccup-busting techniques you’ve probably heard of -- like holding your breath, or breathing into a paper bag, or drinking a tall glass of water. All of that stuff stops your intake of oxygen and ramps up your internal CO2 concentration, which signals your diaphragm to get its head in the game and fix things.
If the human body weren't so weird, it wouldn't be so fascinating. And speaking of hiccup cures, of 54% said that holding your breath was your preferred method for relieving hiccups, while at a close second was drinking water, at 37%.
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